Fentanyl/ Droperidol

fentanyl droperidol 2 fentanyl droperidol perodi

Controlled substance schedule II. Subcortical levels to reduce motor activity , produces analgesia. General anesthesia maintenance of anesthesia.

Dosage and routes

  • Adult:IV 1 ml/ 20-25 lb
  • Child:IV 0.5 ml/ 20 lb
  • Premedication
  • Adult: IM 0.5-2 ml 45-60 min before surgery or procedure
  • Child: IM 0.25 ml/20 lb 45-60 min before surgery or procedure

Side effects

Laryngospasm, bronchospasm, respiratory arrest. Dystonia, akathisia, flexion of arms, dizziness, anxiety, restlessness, hallucination, and depression


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